Marketing’s Law of Attraction

Why do we do what we do?  Why do we choose to befriend one person over another? Why do we decide to wear certain clothes? Why do we buy this type of car and not that?

No doubt there’s research out there that professes to answer each of these questions in ways that sound very scientific. But in truth the social sciences aren’t based firmly on scientific fact as much as they are a collection of well-supported observations about human behavior.

If we were to just follow the “research” we might be led to believe that rational people make decisions based purely on logic. For instance, there’s marketing research that suggests a rational person looking to make a purchase forms an opinion about the product’s value solely by evaluating its price and utility.

In reality though we all know there’s more to it than that.  After all, we make decisions every day, both large and small based on seemingly irrational criteria like, how something makes us feel.

Unconsciously perhaps, we all make snap decisions about people, places and products based on emotion. Often, it’s only after we’ve decided that we like something that we use the additional data we accumulate as supporting evidence to justify the decision we’ve already made.

Interestingly, developing an emotional connection is actually vitally important in our decision-making. It’s also responsible for making companies like Nike among the most successful in the world.

Here’s what I mean.

If you think about it Nike sells a commodity. – It is a shoe company. Yet it’s advertising never talks about the features of its product or why it’s shoes are better than the competition, in fact it never even mentions the product. What does Nike do with its marketing? It honors great athletes, and great athletic achievements. As consumers we’re attracted to Nike’s aspirational message. We like what they stand for. This connection we develop with the company and its products in turn makes us feel better about ourselves.

Capitalizing on the power of sending a message that has emotional resonance is also how Oprah, Tony Robbins and other celebrities have become megastars. Think about it. These individuals have attracted legions of fans by encouraging us to “Live Our Best Life” or to “Unleash The Power Within”. People all over the world can’t seem to get enough of these aspirational messages. Why? Because they make us feel hopeful and empowered to lead richer, more productive lives. In short, they make us feel good.

By the way, recognizing the importance emotion plays in creating and maintaining a connection with people isn’t just the job of companies and mega-brands. As a friend, sibling, parent, co-worker or boss, each of us would benefit by focusing a little more on the message we send to the people that matter in our lives.

Consider this. How does what you say or do make others feel? For them, this is your real value.

This much I know.


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