Know Your “Frenemy”

Has this ever happened to you?

You’ve pitched a prospective client on your services. The meeting ends and you walk out feeling great! You’re sure that you’ve nailed it! After all, you had great rapport with the prospect. They were engaged. They nodded in acknowledgement as you made your case for being the most experienced service provider in town. They were clearly impressed by your client list and references and, you’re proposed pricing is well within their budget. They are chomping at the bit! All that’s left to work out is the timeline to get started.

And then…


A few days go by. Then a week, then another and perhaps a third during which you make numerous attempts to reach out to them without success. Suddenly and inexplicably they’ve gone silent.

Could it be that you misjudged them and they went with a competitor?

Perhaps. But who exactly was the competition? The other service providers in your area? That guy across town who’s always undercutting your bids to steal business?

The reality is that often your real competition is sitting across the table from you. It’s your prospect. Sure they could decide to go with someone else. And of course, they could table the project all together, but it’s also just as likely that they decide to do it themselves.

You see, it may be that your client is the competition. So, know your “frenemy.”  

When pitching new business it’s not enough to sell your prospect on your qualifications to do the job, you also need to make sure your selling them on the importance of hiring a professional to do the job in the first place.

..This much I know.


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