
There is a certain happiness in being silly and ridiculous. It also feeds the soul and inspires creativity.  You owe it to yourself. Be silly.

  A little inspiration to get us through the day! Every once in a while — often when we least expect it — we encounter someone more courageous, someone who choose to strive for that which (to us) seemed unrealistically unattainable, even elusive. And we marvel. We swoon. We gape. Often , we are in awe. I think we look at these people as lucky, when in fact, luck has nothing to do with it. It is really about the strength of their imagination; it is about how they constructed

  “Everyone can be great  …because everyone can serve.” – MLK Jr. (via designIMBIBE) The secret to significance is to consider what you do as serving others. What you’re giving to the world is a gift. This keeps you focused on who matters most and maintains a proper perspective… I write about this a lot, in recent posts Anne Frank Marketing and on Rainn Wilson’s Oprah interview, but Tim Shriver of the Special Olympics  just wrote and INCREDIBLE article about the concept of serving on HuffPost called Becoming Great Through

Don’t ask what the world needs. Rather ask–what makes you come alive? Then go and do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman

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