What’s in a Name? I recently came across this hilarious graphic. It re-imagines author John Steinbeck’s rough draft notes for naming what would become his award-winning novel, “The Grapes of Wrath”.  Once I stopped laughing, I thought to myself, part of what makes this image so awesome is that it reminds us that finding just the right name for a book, a business, or even a new baby is really hard. Don’t you think? (Just ask Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.) Seriously. Consider this for a moment. How often have

More tuesday silliness.  Sayings 2.0 (via laughingsquid)

Awesome! The Cuckoo’s Calling, by Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling). April 2013.

Interview: Nicki Minaj and Thomas Friedman This is without a doubt the most hilarious conversation about identifying your value that I’ve seen in a long time! The pink-haired singer and the mustachioed New York Times columnist discuss their take on globalization in our fictional chat series.

Got Hope? When asked what we want in life, the vast majority of us will say that we really just want to be happy. Not surprisingly, most of us tend to seek out experiences that make us feel happy and hopeful. We like to go to movies with happy endings. We like happy songs. Singer Bobby McFerrin became a household name by singing, “Don’t Worry. Be Happy.”  We take our kids to McDonald’s to buy “happy meals.” Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election by selling, hope. And, Revlon Founder and

Simply awesome! newyorker: Interactive: Take a look at a time-lapse map plotting the use of Citi Bike over the past month: http://nyr.kr/13j7yNv

There’s nothing to it. Just sit at a typewriter and bleed. Hemingway’s advice on the craft to an aspiring writer – a fine addition to famous authors’ collected wisdom on the written word. Pair with H. P. Lovecraft’s advice to aspiring writers and Hemingway on writing and knowledge, a timeless read. (via explore-blog)

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