Jeanine Hughes is a mature woman with dark hair wearing jeans and a sweater sitting on a hard wood floor | Meet Jeanine Hughes | Life Strategist For Women
Jeanine Hughes | Life Strategist | Meet Jeanine Hughes | Life Strategist For Women

Life strategist for women

About Jeanine

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel frustrated and dissatisfied because you want things to change but you don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re just a little overwhelmed and struggling to summon the motivation or confidence to act? If so, I get it. I’ve been there. And I can help.

I have spent decades helping folks just like you make meaningful change in their lives, whether it’s overcoming a major setback, realizing an audacious goal, or just taking a scary step in a new direction.

Black & white photo of Jeanine Hughes sitting in a dark studio | Meet Jeanine Hughes | Life Strategist For Women

What it all boils down to is this:

Life is all what you’re willing to accept. When you learn to change your mindset about what you deserve, your whole world will change.

In Short

How did I get here? Career-wise, it’s been a ride. It began on a Wall Street trading desk, followed by a pivot into television production at NBC News and a key role in the launch of  Bloomberg Television. Then, ever the self-reinventor, I made the move into entrepreneurship, creating my own successful business.

But life is where the real story unfolds. Like many of you, I’ve faced challenges —cancer, divorce, and a child’s catastrophic illness.

These experiences taught me big lessons about grace, self-trust, and how to just keep moving.

Jeanine Hughes is a life strategist and woman with dark hair sitting on a gray couch and smiling into the camera | Meet Jeanine Hughes | Life Strategist For Women

The Whole Story

My story starts a few years back with me propped up on pillows sitting on my living room couch recovering from breast cancer surgery. My two kids were in high school.

As I sat dazed, by both pain and meds, my eyes scanned the room. And I did what I suspect most people do when faced with something like this, I took stock. I wondered what it had all meant. This led to a realization. As I reckoned and assessed I saw that over the years I had come to accept a life for myself that was “fine”, but honestly, fine to me wasn’t really living, it was just existing. The truth was I felt stuck. Stuck in roles and responsibilities that had been heaped upon me over the years and which, I had allowed myself to be weighed down by and define me in ways that didn’t fit for me.

Though I wish it had never happened, I now saw that that diagnosis was the wake up call I needed. It got me to clear the fog. It gave me a new sense of urgency to make some important changes in my life and to start to work to create a legacy that I’d be proud of.

One of the most important lessons for me in all this was to see that all too often when we get stuck, it’s not because of a lack of time or support or resources – though that’s what we may think is the culprit (I know I did), but rather it’s because there’s a story in our head about what we believe we deserve to have and what we think we must accept from life. - This story is a lie. In truth, it’s a limiting belief that we’ve accepted as truth that holds us back. It keeps us from realizing our potential and from living the life we were meant to have. - A life that feels free and fulfilling for us and us alone.

Here’s the good news, we CAN change that story at any time. After all, life is all just choices. So, as I came to realize, I could choose again. I could choose a newer, truer story for myself. And when I did that, when I changed the story inside of me about my worth and what I would accept in my life, my whole world changed. But as I can attest from experience, that change starts on the inside, before you’ll see it on the outside. And it starts just as soon as you decide it must happen.

So, is there a story inside of you about what you believe you deserve? Is it true? Or is it something you’ve been told over the years, and over time you’ve just come to accept it as truth? If so, I want you to know that you CAN let that story go at any time and replace it with a new, more empowering version. One that is worthy of you. After all, I am living proof.

An image of Jeanine Hughes, Life Strategist, writing in a journal | Meet Jeanine Hughes | Life Strategist For Women

Why Work With Me

Unlike a lot of other coaches out there who will give you advice, it’s often not good advice, from people who haven’t walked the talk.  That’s not me, I prefer to  speak from the heart, not a book. I practice what I preach. This way you not only learn from my successes, my hope is that you can also avoid the mistakes and pitfalls that set me back along the way.

So Now It’s Your Turn

You deserve a life on your terms that you’re proud of



A black man looks at his computer screen as he joins a group training virtual session | Meet Jeanine Hughes | Life Strategist For Women


A woman of color with dark hair and glasses claps at a live workshop | Meet Jeanine Hughes | Life Strategist For Women