this much i know

Dear 10-Year-Old Self, Before you ask me when you have your first kiss or if you’ll ever have a boyfriend, I need to tell you some more important stuff first. What’s more important than a first kiss, you ask? Plenty. First of all, don’t let that kid in your class, Danny, who called you fat, make you self-consciously wear oversized sweatshirts for the next four years to hide your body. That kid is horrible and years from now he will be boring and bald and trying to get in touch

What Drives Success? Culture pushes some groups to achieve. We can learn from them. Super interesting read! Does any of this ring true for you?

How often have you heard someone say; when applying to college we should go to the most prestigious school we can. When interviewing for a job we should work for the biggest name company with the most influence, and when playing a sport we should aim to play for the top team in the best league. The thinking being that if we want to be the best then we need to surround ourselves with the best. Seems logical doesn’t it? After all we know that being in an environment with

  The E-Reading Software That’s Better Than Kindles or iBooks Want to read books on a screen? Up to now, two large companies would make that easy for you. Option #1: Apple’s iBooks system. Chipper and colorful, iBooks is easy to use if you own an iPhone or iPad. In its zeal to convince you that, yes,you are reading a book!, though, it can cartoonishly oversell the reading experience. (Case in point: Apple has patented its page-turning animation.) Option #2: Amazon’s Kindle devices. The retail giant has both its own line of gray, hardy

fred-wilson: fakeout urmomredthis: Best play in basketball history Awesome!

  Congratulations, Ohio! You Are the Sweariest State in the Union There’s a relatively long tradition, in the field of data visualization, of tracking the way we swear. This makes sense. Not only is it fun to track, but cursing is also conveniently specific as a data set; you’ve got your f-bombs and your double hockey sticks and your bodily functions, and, factoring in their permutations, you’re good to go. Plus, you don’t need much sophisticated sentiment analysis to ensure that your data are accurate: An f-bomb is pretty much

So true. To be a champ you have to believe in yourself when nobody else will

Beautiful. Jasmine Thompson | Fidelity ( Regina Spektor cover) Holy smokes. Jasmine is 13 years young. 

“Great ideas alter the power balance in relationships. That’s why great ideas are initially resisted.” More biz wisdom from Gaping Void.

  Absolutely brilliant cartoon by Randy Glasbergen, explaining in modern terms why we have books. 

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