
  Even just 7 minutes of exercise is a simple way to boost your happiness levels. The net net here: “Get the F-up and move!”

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned about success, I learned from a fish. I was recently chatting with a friend about her job at a company at which she’s been employed for many years. I asked how things were going, to which the friend replied that things were fine. “You know, it’s a job.” She confessed that she really didn’t love the job, but she said, “it’s a good company, I make a decent salary and I know what’s expected of me. It’s comfortable.” I’ve replayed that conversation

Not one person is expecting anything from you in the next 4 hours. So the ability to appreciate the task at hand and thinking creatively seemed natural. from why productive people get up insanely early. (via fastcompany) I know this is why I get up early. How ‘bout you?

Need to get focused? Try turning off your computer and doing some good old fashioned hand-writing. fastcompany: “We learn more and retain more. Creative pathways are opened up as we engage more of our senses. Forming letters by strokes, as opposed to selecting each by keys, opens regions of the brain involving thinking, language, and memory that are not opened through typing. Writing, real writing, makes you smarter.” [Image: Flickr user Lali Masriera]

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