
Ok so, about a week ago it was Black Friday. Followed by Small Business Saturday, and then of course there was Cyber Monday and I don’t know what’s next – Adopt a Pet Thursday? And oh, is today something? If so I’ve lost track. At any rate, my head is spinning with all these crazy themed days. What are they all about anyway? – They’re about selling us stuff of course! My inbox is overrun. My junk folder alone has over 2000 emails from sites alerting me to their latest

Have you ever struggled to come up with an effective “elevator pitch”?  One that you thought really captured who you are and the value you provide without saying too much or being too confusing? As Steve Jobs famously said, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. But sometimes trying to keep it short and sweet can be impossibly difficult. Especially when it comes to describing who we are and why we matter in just a sentence or two. For many people this can be paralyzing. After all, what if we leave out

Reality check! Ever feel like you’re not enough. Not thin enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough.. Here’s why. Video Shows How Quickly Photoshoot of Model Can Be Manipulated Using Photoshop (Source:

  Is This The Grossest Advertising Strategy of All Time? Most of the time, targeted ads are pretty harmless. You searched for a flight to Denver? Here are some hotels in Denver. You looked for new running sneakers? Here are a few options. But a new “study” from marketing firm PHD recommends a strategy that crosses the line from merely targeted to outright predatory, explicitly advising brands to seize on the times of the day and week when women feel the most insecure about their bodies and overall appearance in order to

McCoy’s introduces wide chip bag for consumers large hands.   Adds Chris Ziegler, on Twitter: “The hand in this picture is completely terrifying ”   ..I’m thinking the next iteration is a funnel shaped chip bag  so consumers can avoid all that laborious grabbing and lifting. #justfun

Marketing’s Law of Attraction Why do we do what we do?  Why do we choose to befriend one person over another? Why do we decide to wear certain clothes? Why do we buy this type of car and not that? No doubt there’s research out there that professes to answer each of these questions in ways that sound very scientific. But in truth the social sciences aren’t based firmly on scientific fact as much as they are a collection of well-supported observations about human behavior. If we were to just

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